Bayshore HealthCare Safety Plan

Bayshore HealthCare is committed to a high quality and safe environment for both our staff and clients.

Our COVID-19 Safety Plan outlines the policies, guidelines and procedures we have implemented to help eliminate, and where elimination is not possible, reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure among Bayshore HealthCare staff, contractors, clients and visitors.

This Safety Plan addresses the current operating status of Bayshore HealthCare. We will regularly review this Safety Plan and update it as work processes change or as we implement new orders from Provincial Health Officers (PHO) or Medical Health Officers (MHO).

This Safety Plan applies to all Bayshore HealthCare staff: management, supervisors, front-line personnel as well as our clients and visitors.

All Bayshore employees must have received the full series of a COVID-19 vaccine approved by Health Canada. All new hires must have received the final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days prior to the official start date of hire.

Our local branches and clinics hold plans specific to each office and province. Contact them for further information.


  • Throughout their visit, clients will be screened on several occasions (e.g. phone pre-booking, before a home visit, at the clinic level, etc.)
  • Using Bayshore’s Infection Prevention Screener and while wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), Bayshore staff will actively screen all clients for signs and symptoms of illness, including COVID-19, from a 2-metre distance.
  • Staff will also screen family members or others in the home at the time of the client’s visit for signs and symptoms of illness and will ask them to maintain a 2-metre distance throughout the visit.
  • Staff will ask asymptomatic clients and family members/others in the home to don a cloth mask for the duration of the visit, if they can tolerate it. If they do not have a cloth mask, Bayshore staff will offer them a procedure mask and educate them on when and how to wear it and preserve it.
  • If a client screens positive for COVID-19 symptoms, Bayshore staff will follow specific procedures.
  • Bayshore staff will follow contact and droplet precautions when providing care to a client who is symptomatic or pending/confirmed COVID-19 positive. All staff are aware of and trained in all procedures.
  • Third part vehicles, such as taxis/Uber, can occur if necessary. For specific client transport needs (i.e., specialized client vehicles) staff will conduct an assessment and put safety measures in place to prevent transmission.

Staff (including contractors, volunteers and students)

  • All Bayshore staff must provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19.
    • If a staff member refuses vaccination because of a medical reason, they must submit written proof from a physician or nurse practitioner with the reason why they cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19 and the effective period for the medical reason.
    • If a staff member refuses vaccination on grounds protected under the Human Rights Code, they must do the following:
      • Complete Bayshore’s COVID-19 Education e-learning module.
      • Submit written proof regarding Bayshore’s duty to accommodate under the Human Rights Code. Bayshore’s Occupational Health and Safety team will validate these rare cases should they occur.
  • Using Bayshore’s electronic or paper Screener, staff must self-screen twice a day (including before every shift) for signs and symptoms of illness, including COVID-19 and document their screening results. Staff will follow outlined processes if they answer “yes” to any of the screening questions.
  • Staff with signs or symptoms of illness, as well as those who are self-isolating or in quarantine in accordance with public health directives, are not permitted to come to work.
  • Procedures are in place for staff to follow should they develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19 while at work or after their shift.
  • Staff is aware of and educated on the importance of diligent respiratory etiquette: cover coughs and sneezes; avoid touching the face, mouth, nose, eyes, and mask.
  • Staff has received refresher training on infection control practices: safety meetings on site, or via zoom and teleconferences.
  • Supervisors have been trained on how to help and support staff follow the policies/procedures and know how to monitor and respond to identified hazards.
  • All staff can access current COVID-19 updates, self-screeners, training and education materials, frequently asked questions, recordings of Town Hall meetings, and policies and procedures through Bayshore’s intranet site.

Hand Hygiene

  • Bayshore provides alcohol based hand rub (with at least 70% alcohol content) in portable sizes to all staff for all home visits.
  • Staff must practice diligent hand hygiene (clean hands with soap and water or alcohol based hand rub) before, after and during each episode or provision of care.
  • Bayshore will ask clients to perform hand hygiene at the start of the visit and as needed throughout the visit.
  • At the point of use, and as required, Bayshore will make available disinfecting wipes, tissues, paper towels and waste receptacles.

Staff in an Office Environment

  • Bayshore has placed alcohol based hand rub at all entry and exit points.
  • Bayshore has stocked sinks with plain soap and paper towels for hand washing.
  • Bayshore has posted signs to promote proper hand washing by staff and visitors.
  • At the point of use, and as required, Bayshore will make available disinfecting wipes, tissues, paper towels and waste receptacles.

Workplace Arrangements

  • Bayshore encourages office staff to work from home, when possible.
  • Bayshore promotes virtual meeting tools and/or phone calls in lieu of in-person gatherings, whenever possible. If in-person communication or training is necessary, required control measures, such as physical distancing and proper PPE must be in place.
  • Staff should maintain physical distancing measures whenever possible.
  • Work tasks have been postponed, re-arranged, or planned in such a way that staff is not required to work in close proximity.

Office Environment

  • Bayshore requires staff, clients and visitors pre-screen and sign-in at all office settings.
  • Bayshore has posted signage to promote and encourage safe physical distancing by staff, clients and visitors.
  • Bayshore has assessed work areas for occupancy limits and re-arranged (where feasible) its conference rooms, washrooms, elevators and hallways to maintain physical distancing.
  • Bayshore regularly cleans and disinfects all shared equipment, such as phones, tablets, computers, printers etc..
  • Bayshore has removed unnecessary tools and equipment that may elevate the risk of transmission.
  • All staff, clients and visitors must wear appropriate PPE.

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Bayshore has trained staff on the proper use, care, maintenance, and disposal of PPE. This includes donning (putting on) and doffing (removing) PPE.
  • Bayshore has trained, tested, and monitored staff compliance to ensure vigilant donning, wearing, and doffing of PPE.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, all staff must wear a surgical/procedure mask, eye protection and gloves when visiting clients who are asymptomatic.
  • Bayshore has instructed its staff to always follow droplet and contact precautions when providing care to clients who are symptomatic or pending/confirmed COVID-19 positive.
  • Bayshore will encourage clients who are symptomatic or pending/confirmed COVID-19 positive to wear a mask for the duration of their care visit.

Cleaning and Disinfection

  • Bayshore has ensured that the cleaning products and disinfectants it uses are effective against COVID-19.
  • Bayshore has trained the staff who are responsible for cleaning client care equipment and ensure they are aware of their duties.
  • Where possible, Bayshore dedicates equipment and supplies to a single client. If this is not possible, all reusable equipment that is shared among clients must be appropriately cleaned and disinfected after each client use.
  • Bayshore ensures that staff have access to approved cleaning/disinfection wipes that they can easily take to home environments.
  • Bayshore advises staff who use a vehicle for work to routinely clean and disinfect high touch point areas such as seatbelts, steering wheel, head rest, door handles and hand holds.

An important Message from our Chief Nursing and Clinical Officer, Maureen Charlebois